Created in the mid-1970s, the World Fantasy Awards, associated with the annual World Fantasy Conventions, were established as a fantasy counterpart to the SF-oriented Hugo and Nebula Awards. They differ from those awards in significant ways, primarily in that winners are determined by judges though two places in each category on the final ballot are determined by votes from convention members.
Fantasy novels, short fiction, anthologies and collection, artist, and special awards for professionals and non-professionals for achievements not tied to specific works in other categories.
The original award, a trophy in the form of the bust of H.P. Lovecraft designed by Gahan Wilson, was replaced by a sculpture by Vincent Villafranca beginning in 2017.
Where & When
Annual World Fantasy Convention, held in various cities at the end of October
Convention members nominate two entries per category; judges can add three or more nominees per category. The judges select the winners.