Multiple Winners
Gardner Dozois has won the Locus Poll most often, 38 times; for works of fiction, Neil Gaiman has won 17 times.
Losers Club
Among fiction writers, Gregory Benford, Tanith Lee, Robert Reed, Greg Bear, Paul J. McAuley, Jeffrey Ford, Alastair Reynolds, and Brian Stableford have placed most often without having won
Never Won
Martin H. Greenberg and David G. Hartwell have placed most often without ever having won.
Never Even Nominated
L. Ron Hubbard and Hugo Gernsback have never appeared in any Locus Poll results--not even an all-time best category.
Total Locus Wins
(Number of fiction wins in parentheses)
Total Locus Nominations
(Number of fiction nominations in parentheses)
[Number of wins in brackets]
Locus Never-Winners
Number of nominations without ever having won
(Fiction nominations in parentheses)
Total Locus Losses
Number of times nominated but lost [Number of wins in bracket]