Where and When:
New York City :
June 8, 2002
Eligibility Year:
Short Fiction
- Winner: “Reconstructing Amy”, Tim Lebbon (As the Sun Goes Down)
- “The Haunt”, Jack Ketchum (Cemetery Dance #34 2001)
- “I Am Your Need”, Mort Castle (Brainbox II: Son of Brainbox)
- “Whose Puppets, Best and Worst, Are We?”, David B. Silva (Cemetery Dance #35 2001)
- Winner: Extremes 2: Fantasy and Horror from the Ends of the Earth, Brian A. Hopkins, ed. (Lone Wolf Publications)
- The Best of Horrorfind, Brian Keene, ed. (Horrorfind)
- Trick or Treat: A Collection of Halloween Novellas, Richard Chizmar, ed. (Cemetery Dance Publications)
- The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror: Fourteenth Annual Collection, Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, eds. (St. Martin's)
Poetry Collection
- Winner: Consumed, Reduced to Beautiful Grey Ashes, Linda Addison (Space & Time)
- Taunting the Minotaur, Charlee Jacob (Miniature Sun Press)
- What the Cacodaemon Whispered, Chad Hensley (Flesh & Blood Press)
- White Space, Bruce Boston (Dark Regions Press)