Aurealis Awards Winners By Category

science fiction awards database

Astounding New Writer <— Overview thread —> Aurora

  Aurealis Awards  
2030 2029 2028 2027 2026 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021
2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011
2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001
2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991
Category Groups:
Golden Aurealis novel | Golden Aurealis short story | sf novel | sf novella | sf short story | fantasy novel | fantasy novella | fantasy short story | horror novel | horror novella | horror short story | anthology | collection | illustrated book/graphic novel | young adult novel | young adult short story | children's fiction | children's fiction | children's short fiction | children's illustrated work/picture book | Sara Douglass Book Series | Convenors' Award | Kris Hembury Encouragement Award | Sara Douglass Book Series Award |
Golden Aurealis novel
2008 The Company of the Dead, David Kowalski
Golden Aurealis short story
2008 “Hollywood Roadkill”, Cat Sparks
2007 The Arrival, Shaun Tan
Golden Aurealis novel
2007 The Pilo Family Circus, Will Elliott
Golden Aurealis short story
2006 “Nicholas Sayre and the Creature in the Case”, Garth Nix
Golden Aurealis novel
2006 Alyzon Whitestarr, Isobelle Carmody
Golden Aurealis short story
2005 “Singing My Sister Down”, Margo Lanagan
Golden Aurealis novel
2005 The Black Crusade, Richard Harland
sf novel
2024 Time of the Cat, Tansy Rayner Roberts
2023 36 Streets, T. R. Napper
2022 Walking Romeo, Kathryn Barker
2021 (tie) The Animals in that Country, Laura Jean McKay
2021 (tie) Repo Virtual, Corey J. White
2020 Aurora Rising, Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff
2019 Lifel1k3, Jay Kristoff
2018 From the Wreck, Jane Rawson
2017 Gemima: Illuminae Files 2, Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff
2016 Illuminae, Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff
2015 Peacemaker, Marianne de Pierres
2014 Lexicon, Max Barry
2013 The Rook, Daniel O'Malley
2012 The Courier's New Bicycle, Kim Westwood
2011 Transformation Space, Marianne de Pierres
2010 Wonders of a Godless World, Andrew McGahan
2009 Time Machines Repaired While-U-Wait, K. A. Bedford
2008 The Company of the Dead, David Kowalski
2007 K-Machines, Damien Broderick
2006 Eclipse, K. A. Bedford
2005 Less Than Human, Maxine McArthur
2004 Fallen Gods, Jonathan Blum & Kate Orman
2003 Transcension, Damien Broderick
2002 The Dark Imbalance, Sean Williams & Shane Dix
2001 The Miocene Arrow, Sean McMullen
2000 Teranesia, Greg Egan [award declined]
1999 The Centurion's Empire, Sean McMullen
1998 The White Abacus, Damien Broderick
1997 Metal Fatigue, Sean Williams
1996 Distress, Greg Egan
sf novella
2024 Once We Flew, Nikky Lee
2023 Resembling Lepus, Amanda Kool
2022 “Preserved in Amber”, Samantha Murray
2021 “The Weight of the Air, the Weight of the World”, T. R. Napper
2020 “Scapes Made Diamond”, Shauna O'Meara
2019 Icefall, Stephanie Gunn
2018 Girl Reporter, Tansy Rayner Roberts
2017 “Salto Mortal”, Nick T. Chan
2016 “By Frogsled and Lizardback to Outcast Venusian Lepers”, Garth Nix
sf short story
2024 (tie) “Hollywood Animals”, Corey J. White
2024 (tie) “Customer Service”, Emily Wyeth
2023 “As Though I Were a Little Sun”, Grace Chan
2022 “Relict: (noun) A Widow; a Thing Remaining from the Past”, Alison Goodman
2021 “Mary, Mary”, Fiona Bell
2020 “Wreck Diving”, Joanne Anderton
2019 “The Astronaut”, Jen White
2018 “Conversations with an Armory”, Garth Nix
2017 “Of Sight, of Mind, of Heart”, Samantha Murray
2016 “All the Wrong Places”, Sean Williams
2015 “Wine, Women and Stars”, Thoraiya Dyer
2014 “Air, Water and the Grove”, Kaaron Warren
2013 “Significant Dust”, Margo Lanagan
2012 “Rains of la Strange”, Robert N. Stephenson
2011 “The Heart of a Mouse”, K. J. Bishop
2010 “Clockwork, Patchwork and Ravens”, Peter M. Ball
2009 “The Empire”, Simon Brown
2008 “Hollywood Roadkill”, Cat Sparks
2007 “The Seventh Letter”, Sean Williams
2006 “Slow and Ache”, Trent Jamieson
2005 “Come to Daddy”, Brendan Duffy
2004 “Louder Echo”, Brendan Duffy
2003 “Walk to the Full Moon”, Sean McMullen
2002 “The Weatherboard Spaceship”, Adam Browne
2001 “Infinite Monkey”, Damien Broderick
2000 “Written in Blood”, Chris Lawson
1999 “The Truth About Weena”, David J. Lake
1998 “Niagara Falling”, Janeen Webb & Jack Dann
1997 “Borderline”, Leanne Frahm
1996 “Luminous”, Greg Egan
fantasy novel
2024 The Will of the Many, James Islington
2023 Path of Thorns, Angela Slatter
2022 Dark Rise, C. S. Pacat
2021 The Left-Handed Booksellers of London, Garth Nix
2020 Angel Mage, Garth Nix
2019 (tie) City of Lies, Sam Hawke
2019 (tie) The Witch Who Courted Death, Maria Lewis
2018 Godsgrave, Jay Kristoff
2017 Nevernight, Jay Kristoff
2016 Day Boy, Trent Jamieson
2015 Dreamer's Pool, Juliet Marillier
2014 A Crucible of Souls, Mitchell Hogan
2013 Sea Hearts, Margo Lanagan
2012 Ember and Ash, Pamela Freeman
2011 Power and Majesty, Tansy Rayner Roberts
2010 The Magician's Apprentice, Trudi Canavan
2009 The Two Pearls of Wisdom, Alison Goodman
2008 Heaven's Net Is Wide, Lian Hearn
2007 Wildwood Dancing, Juliet Marillier
2006 Blade of Fortriu, Juliet Marillier
2005 The Crooked Letter, Sean Williams
2004 Abhorsen, Garth Nix
2003 The Storm Weaver and the Sand, Sean Williams
2002 The Wounded Hawk, Sara Douglass
2001 Son of the Shadows, Juliet Marillier
2000 Aramaya, Jane Routley
1999 (tie) Fire Angels, Jane Routley
1999 (tie) A Dark Winter, Dave Luckett
1998 The Infernal, Kim Wilkins
1997 (tie) The Memory Cathedral, Jack Dann
1997 (tie) Enchanter and Starman: The Axis Trilogy, Sara Douglass
1996 Sabriel, Garth Nix
fantasy novella
2024 Gate Sinister, Tansy Rayner Roberts
2023 Winterbloom, Kirstyn McDermott
2022 Bones of the Sea, Amy Laurens
2021 “Dingo & Sister”, Nikky Lee
2020 “Scapes Made Diamond”, Shauna O'Meara
2019 “The Staff in the Stone”, Garth Nix
2018 In Shadows We Fall, Devin Madson
2017 “Forfeit”, Andrea K. Höst
2016 “Defy the Grey Kings”, Jason Fischer
fantasy short story
2024 “12 Days of Witchmas”, Tansy Rayner Roberts
2023 “The Icecutter's Daughter”, Aiki Flinthart
2022 “So-called Bin Chicken”, E. J. Delaney
2021 “Truth Be Told”, Louise Pieper
2020 “Dragon by Subscription”, Tansy Rayner Roberts
2019 “The Further Shore”, J. Ashley Smith
2018 “The Curse Is Come Upon Me, Cried”, Tansy Rayner Roberts
2017 “Where the Pelican Builds Her Nest”, Thoraiya Dyer
2016 “The Giant's Lady”, Rowena Cory Daniells
2015 “St Dymphna's School for Poison Girls”, Angela Slatter
2014 The Last Stormdancer, Jay Kristoff
2013 “Bajazzle”, Margo Lanagan
2012 “Fruit of the Pipal Tree”, Thoraiya Dyer
2011 (tie) “Yowie”, Thoraiya Dyer
2011 (tie) “The February Dragon”, L. L. Hannett & Angela Slatter
2010 (tie) “Once a Month, On a Sunday”, Ian McHugh
2010 (tie) “Father's Kill”, Christopher Green
2009 “Sammarynda Deep”, Cat Sparks
2008 “Sir Hereward and Mister Fitz Go to War Again”, Garth Nix
2007 “A Fine Magic”, Margo Lanagan
2006 (tie) “Once Giants Roamed the Earth”, Rosaleen Love
2006 (tie) “The Greater Death of Saito Saku”, Richard Harland
2005 (tie) “Catabolic Magic”, Richard Harland
2005 (tie) “Weavers of Twilight”, Louise Katz
2004 “La Sentinelle”, Lucy Sussex
2003 no award
2002 “The Woman of Endor”, Sue Isle
2001 “The World According to Kipling (A Plain Tale from the Hills)”, Geoffrey Maloney
2000 “Whispers of the Mist Children”, Trudi Canavan
1999 “A Walk-On Part in the War”, Stephen Dedman
1998 “Merlusine”, Lucy Sussex
1997 “The Sword of God”, Russell Blackford
1996 “Harvest Bay”, Karen Attard
horror novel
2024 Bunny, S. E. Tolsen
2023 The Stone Road, Trent Jamieson
2022 Holly and the Nobodies, Ben Pienaar
2021 None Shall Sleep, Ellie Marney
2020 The Rich Man's House, Andrew McGahan
2019 Tide of Stone, Kaaron Warren
2018 Soon, Lois Murphy
2017 The Grief Hole, Kaaron Warren
2016 Day Boy, Trent Jamieson
2015 Razorhurst, Justine Larbalestier
2014 Fairytales for Wilde Girls, Allyse Near
2013 Perfections, Kirstyn McDermott
2011 Madigan Mine, Kirstyn McDermott
2010 Red Queen, Honey Brown
2009 The Séance, John Harwood
2008 Blood of Dreams, Susan Parisi
2007 (tie) The Pilo Family Circus, Will Elliott
2007 (tie) Prismatic, Edwina Grey
2005 The Black Crusade, Richard Harland
2004 Born of the Sea, Victor Kelleher
2003 The White Body of Evening, A. L. McCann
2002 Angel of Ruin, Kim Wilkins
2001 The Resurrectionists, Kim Wilkins
2000 Foreign Devils, Christine Harris
1999 no award
1998 The Infernal, Kim Wilkins
1997 no award
1996 An Intimate Knowledge of the Night, Terry Dowling
horror novella
2024 “Quicksilver”, J. S. Breukelaar
2023 “Kookaburra Cruel”, Aaron Dries
2022 “All the Long Way Down”, Alf Simpson
2021 “The Saltbush Queen”, Chris Mason
2020 Into Bones Like Oil, Kaaron Warren
2019 “Crisis Apparition”, Kaaron Warren
2018 “The Stairwell”, Chris Mason
2017 “Burnt Sugar”, Kirstyn McDermott
2016 “The Miseducation of Mara Lys”, Deborah Kalin
horror short story
2024 “Death Interrupted”, Pamela Jeffs
2023 “They Call Me Mother”, Geneve Flynn
2022 “Don't Look!”, Lisa Fuller
2021 “Phoenix Pharmaceuticals”, Jessica Nelson-Tyers
2020 “Vivienne and Agnes”, Chris Mason
2019 “Sub-Urban”, Alfie Simpson
2018 “Old Growth”, J. Ashley Smith
2017 “Flame Trees”, T. R. Napper
2016 “Bullets”, Joanne Anderton
2015 Home and Hearth, Angela Slatter
2014 “The Year of Ancient Ghosts”, Kim Wilkins
2013 “Sky”, Kaaron Warren
2012 (tie) “The Past is a Bridge Best Left Burnt”, Paul Haines
2012 (tie) “The Short Go: a Future in Eight Seconds”, Lisa L. Hannett
2011 “The Fear”, Richard Harland
2010 (tie) “Slices of Life -- A Spot of Liver”, Paul Haines
2010 (tie) “Wives”, Paul Haines
2009 “Painlessness”, Kirstyn McDermott
2008 “The Jeweller of Second-Hand Roe”, Anna Tambour
2007 “Dead of Winter”, Stephen Dedman
2006 “Paterfamilias”, Lee Battersby
2005 “The Last Days of Kali Yuga”, Paul Haines
2004 “Love is a Stone”, Simon Brown
2003 “Oracle”, Kim Westwood
2002 “Sleight of Hand”, Simon Haynes
2001 “The First and Final Game”, Deborah Biancotti
2000 “Atrax”, Sean Williams & Simon Brown
1999 “A Positive”, Kaaron Warren
1998 “Jenny Come to Play”, Terry Dowling
1997 “Passing the Bone”, Sean Williams
1996 Olympia, Francis Payne
2024 The Book of Witches, Jonathan Strahan, ed.
2023 This All Come Back Now, Mykaela Saunders, ed.
2022 Relics, Wrecks & Ruins, Aiki Flinthart, ed.
2021 Rebuilding Tomorrow, Tsana Dolichva, ed.
2020 Mission Critical, Jonathan Strahan, ed.
2019 The Best Science Fiction & Fantasy of the Year Volume Twelve, Jonathan Strahan, ed.
2018 Infinity Wars, Jonathan Strahan, ed.
2017 Year's Best YA Speculative Fiction 2015, Julia Rios & Alisa Krasnostein, eds.
2016 Bloodlines, Amanda Pillar, ed.
2015 Kaleidoscope: Diverse YA Science Fiction and Fantasy Stories, Alisa Krasnostein & Julia Rios, eds.
2014 (tie) One Small Step: An Anthology of Discoveries, Tehani Wessely, ed.
2014 (tie) The Year’s Best Australian Fantasy and Horror 2012, Liz Grzyb & Talie Helene, eds.
2013 The Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year Volume Six, Jonathan Strahan, ed.
2012 Ghosts by Gaslight, Jack Dann & Nick Gevers, eds.
2011 Wings of Fire, Jonathan Strahan & Marianne S. Jablon, eds.
2010 Eclipse Three, Jonathan Strahan, ed.
2009 The Starry Rift, Jonathan Strahan, ed.
2024 Firelight, John Morrissey
2023 Here be Leviathans, Chris Flynn
2022 The Gulp, Alan Baxter
2021 The Heart is a Mirror for Sinners and Other Stories, Angela Slatter
2020 Collision: Stories, J. S. Breukelaar
2019 Tales from the Inner City, Shaun Tan
2018 The Silver Well, Kate Forsyth & Kim Wilkins
2017 Winter Children, Angela Slatter
2016 To Hold the Bridge, Garth Nix
2015 The Female Factory, Lisa L. Hannett & Angela Slatter
2014 The Bone Chime Song and Other Stories, Joanne Anderton
2013 That Book Your Mad Ancestor Wrote, K. J. Bishop
2012 Bluegrass Symphony, Lisa L. Hannett
2011 The Girl with No Hands, Angela Slatter
2010 Oceanic, Greg Egan
2009 Magic Dirt: The Best of Sean Williams, Sean Williams, edited by Russell B. Farr
illustrated book/graphic novel
2024 Ember and the Island of Lost Creatures, Jason Pamment
2023 The Tree of Ecstasy and Unbearable Sadness, Matt Ottley
2022 The Curiosities, Zana Fraillon & Phil Lesnie
2021 Under-Earth, Chris Gooch
2020 Black Magick, Greg Rucka & Nicola Scott
2019 Cicada, Shaun Tan
2018 Changing Ways: Book 3, Justin Randall
2017 Negative Space, Ryan K. Lindsay
2016 The Singing Bones, Shaun Tan
2015 Mr Unpronounceable and the Sect of the Bleeding Eye, Tim Molloy
2014 (tie) Burger Force, Jackie Ryan
2014 (tie) The Deep Vol. 2: The Vanishing Island, Tom Taylor & James Brouwer
2013 Blue, Pat Grant, author and illustrator
2012 (tie) Hidden, Mirranda Burton, author and illustrator
2012 (tie) The Deep: Here Be Dragons, Tom Taylor (author) and James Brouwer (illustrator)
2011 Changing Ways Book 1, Justin Randall
2010 Scarygirl, Nathan Jurevicius
2009 Tales from Outer Suburbia, Shaun Tan
young adult novel
2024 When Ghosts Call Us Home, Katya de Becerra
2023 Only a Monster, Vanessa Len
2022 Waking Romeo, Kathryn Barker
2021 The Erasure Initiative, Lili Wilkinson
2020 Aurora Rising, Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff
2019 Catching Teller Crow, Ambelin Kwaymullina & Ezekiel Kwaymullina
2018 In the Dark Spaces, Cally Black
2017 Lady Helen and the Dark Days Pact, Alison Goodman
2016 In the Skin of a Monster, Kathryn Barker
2015 The Cracks in the Kingdom, Jaclyn Moriarty
2014 (tie) These Broken Stars, Amie Kaufman & Meagan Spooner
2014 (tie) Fairytales for Wilde Girls, Allyse Near
2013 (tie) Sea Hearts, Margo Lanagan
2013 (tie) Dead, Actually, Kaz Delaney
2012 Only Ever Always, Penni Russon
2011 Guardian of the Dead, Karen Healey
2010 Leviathan, Scott Westerfeld
2009 Finnikin of the Rock, Melina Marchetta
2008 Skyfall, Anthony Eaton
2007 Monster Blood Tattoo: Book One, Foundling, D. M. Cornish
2006 Alyzon Whitestarr, Isobelle Carmody
2005 Midnighters, Book One: The Secret Hour, Scott Westerfeld
2004 (tie) Abhorsen (Book 3 of The Old Kingdom Trilogy), Garth Nix
2004 (tie) Dragonkeeper, Carole Wilkinson
2003 The Hand of Glory, Sophie Masson
2002 The Other Face of Janus, Louise Katz
2001 Thursday's Child, Sonya Hartnett
2000 A Dark Victory, Dave Luckett
1999 Singing the Dogstar Blues, Alison Goodman
1998 (tie) Eye to Eye, Catherine Jinks
1998 (tie) Greylands, Isobelle Carmody
1997 (tie) The Broken Wheel, Kerry Greenwood
1997 (tie) Mirror, Mirror, Hillary Bell
1996 (tie) Sabriel, Garth Nix
1996 (tie) Deucalion, Brian Caswell
young adult short story
2024 “Follow the Water”, J. Palmer
2023 “Tastes Like Home”, Kiera Lesley
2022 “Don't Look!”, Lisa Fuller
2021 “Dingo & Sister”, Nikky Lee
2020 The Jindabyne Secret, Jo Hart
2019 “The Sea-Maker of Darmid Bay”, Shauna O'Meara
2018 Girl Reporter, Tansy Rayner Roberts
2017 “Pretty Jennie Greenteeth”, Leife Shallcross
2016 “The Miseducation of Mara Lys”, Deborah Kalin
2015 “Vanilla”, Dirk Flinthart
2014 “By Bone-Light”, Juliet Marillier
2013 “The Wisdom of Ants”, Thoraiya Dyer
2012 “Nation of the Night”, Sue Isle
2011 “A Thousand Flowers”, Margo Lanagan
2010 “Seventeen”, Cat Sparks
2009 “Cracks”, Trent Jamieson
2008 “A Scar for Leida”, Deborah Biancotti
2007 The Arrival, Shaun Tan
2006 “Nicholas Sayre and the Creature in the Case”, Garth Nix
2005 “Singing My Sister Down”, Margo Lanagan
2004 no award
2003 no award
2002 Dreamwalker, Isobelle Carmody, illustrated by Steven Wollman
2001 “The Queen's Notice”, Margo Lanagan
2000 no award
1999 no award
1998 “The Twist in the Tale”, Ruth Starke
1997 “Green Monkey Dreams”, Isobelle Carmody
1996 no award
children's fiction
2024 Spellhound, Lian Tanner
2023 The Wintrish Girl, Melanie La'Brooy
2022 Dragon Skin, Karen Foxlee
2021 The Lost Soul Atlas, Zana Fraillon
2020 The Dog Runner, Bren MacDibble
2019 The Endsister, Penni Russon
2018 Nevermoor, Jessica Townsend
2017 When the Lyrebird Calls, Kim Kane
2016 A Single Stone, Meg McKinlay
2015 Shadow Sister: Dragon Keeper #5, Carole Wilkinson
2014 The Four Seasons of Lucy McKenzie, Kirsty Murray
2013 Brotherband: The Hunters, John Flanagan
2012 City of Lies, Lian Tanner
2011 The Keepers, Lian Tanner
2010 A Ghost in My Suitcase, Gabrielle Wang
2009 The Wizard of Rondo, Emily Rodda
2008 The Silver Horse (The Chain of Charms 2), Kate Forsyth
2008 The Herb of Grace (The Chain of Charms 3), Kate Forsyth
2008 The Lightning Bolt (The Chain of Charms 5), Kate Forsyth
2008 The Cat's Eye Shell (The Chain of Charms 4), Kate Forsyth
2008 The Butterfly in Amber (The Chain of Charms 6), Kate Forsyth
2007 Melissa Queen of Evil, Mardi McConnochie
2006 The Keys to the Kingdom, Book 3: Drowned Wednesday, Garth Nix
2005 How To Live Forever, Colin Thompson
2004 The Keys to the Kingdom, Book 1: Mister Monday (Keys of the Kingdom Book 1), Garth Nix
2003 In the Garden of Empress Cassia, Gabrielle Wang
2002 Candle Iron, Sally Odgers
children's short fiction
2008 (tie) World of Monsters, Marc McBride
2008 (tie) Kumiko and the Dragon, Briony Stewart
2007 (tie) Woolvs in the Sitee, Margaret Wild & Anne Spudvilas
2007 (tie) The True Story of Mary Who Wanted to Stand on Her Head, Jane Godwin
2006 Piccolo & Annabel 2: The Disastrous Party, Stephen Axelsen
2005 Beneath the Surface, Gary Crew & Steven Woolman
2004 Lily Quench and the Lighthouse of Skellig Mor, Natalie Jane Prior
2003 Tashi and the Haunted House, Anna Fienberg & Kim Gamble
2002 Café on Callisto, Jackie French
children's illustrated work/picture book
2013 Little Elephants, Graeme Base, author and illustrator
2012 Sounds Spooky, Christopher Cheng (author) and Sarah Davis (illustrator)
2011 The Boy and the Toy, Sonya Hartnett & Lucia Masciullo
2010 Victor's Challenge, Pamela Freeman, illustrated by Kim Gamble
2009 Escape!, Under Siege, Race to the Ruins, The Heavy Crown (The Wolf Kingdom series), Richard Harland, illustrated by Laura Peterson
Sara Douglass Book Series
2016 The Watergivers: The Last Stormlord (2009), Stormlord Rising (2010), Stormlord’s Exile (2011), Glenda Larke
Convenors' Award
2024 “Science fiction for hire? Notes towards an emerging practice of creative futurism”, Helen Marshall, Kathleen Jennings & Joanne Anderton
2023 The Phantom Never Dies, Maria Lewis
2022 Dangerous Visions and New Worlds: Radical Science Fiction, 1950 to 1985, Andrew Nette & Iain McIntyre, eds.
2021 Never Afters: Female Friendship and Collaboration in Contemporary Re-visioned Fairy Tales by Women, Kirstyn McDermott
2020 “Watermarks: Science Fiction, Mitigation and the Mosaic Novel Structure in Australian Climate Fiction”, Jason Nahrung
2019 (tie) The 21st Century Catastrophe, Cat Sparks
2019 (tie) Genre Worlds: Australian Popular Fiction in the 21st Century, Kim Wilkins, Lisa Fletcher & Beth Driscoll
2018 The Fictional Mother, Tansy Rayner Roberts
2017 The Rebirth of Rapunzel: A Mythic Biography of the Maiden in the Tower, Kate Forsyth
2015 Night Terrace
2013 Kate Eltham
2012 Galactic Suburbia podcast, Alisa Krasnostein, Alex Pierce, Tansy Rayner Roberts & Andrew Finch
2011 Helen Merrick
2009 Jack Dann
2008 Rynemonn, Terry Dowling
2006 Grant Stone
2005 Cat Sparks
2003 Robbie Matthews, for his important contribution to local genre publishing both with the Canberra Speculative Fiction Guild and Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine
2002 (tie) Emily Rodda & Marc McBride, for The Deltora Quest series and The Deltora Book of Monsters (Scholastic)
2002 (tie) Peter McNamara, for his outstanding contribution to speculative fiction
2001 (tie) Spinouts Bronze, Paul Collins & Meredith Costain, eds.
2001 (tie) The Lost Thing, Shaun Tan
2000 Antique Futures: The Best of Terry Dowling, Terry Dowling
1999 Shaun Tan, for artwork in The Rabbits
Kris Hembury Encouragement Award
2013 Laura Goodin
Sara Douglass Book Series Award
2022 Blood and Gold: Crown of Rowan (2014); Daughters of the Storm (2014); Sisters of the Fire (2016); Queens of the Sea (2019), Kim Wilkins

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This page last updated Tuesday 28 May 2024 at 13:37 PT