Arnie Fenner

science fiction awards database

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Awards Summary


Major Awards: 4

Locus Awards: 14


Total Number of Award Wins and Nominations: 48

Times Served as Judge: 1

— Major Awards —
Hugo Awardsfor SF/F works, voted by members of annual World Science Fiction Convention
(8 nominations)

Spectrum 15: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art (Cathy Fenner & AF, eds.) (Underwood Books) — related book — nomination

Spectrum 10: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art (Cathy Fenner & AF, eds.) (Underwood Books) — related book — nomination

Spectrum 9: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art (Cathy Fenner & AF, eds.) (Underwood Books) — related book — nomination

Spectrum 6: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art (Cathy Fenner & AF, eds.) (Underwood Books) — related book — nomination

Spectrum 5: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art (Cathy Fenner & AF, eds.) (Underwood Books) — related book — nomination

Spectrum 4: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art (by Cathy Fenner & AF eds., with Jim Loehr) (Underwood Books) — related book — nomination

Spectrum 2: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art (Cathy Burnett & AF, eds.) (Underwood Books) — nonfiction book — nomination

Spectrum: The Best In Contemporary Fantastic Art (Cathy Burnett & AF, eds.) (Underwood Books) — nonfiction book — nomination

World Fantasy Awardsfor Fantasy works; juried, with nominations from World Fantasy Con members
(6 nominations; 2 wins)

(by Cathy Fenner & AF) for Spectrum 7: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art — special award, professional — nomination

for designing, for Mark V. Ziesing and Ursus — special award, professional — winner

(Pat Cadigan & AF) for Shayol — special award, non-professional — winner

(Pat Cadigan & AF) for Shayol — special award, non-professional — nomination

(Pat Cadigan & AF) for Shayol — special award, non-professional — nomination

for editing/publishing Chacal — special award, non-professional — nomination

British Fantasy Awardsfor fantasy works published in the UK, voted by British Fantasy Society members, juried since 2012
(2 nominations)

Chacal #2 — small press — nomination

Chacal — small press — nomination

Chesley Awardsfor SF/F/H artworks; voted by members of Association of SF & F Artists
(4 nominations; 2 wins)

(AF & Cathy Fenner) — art director — nomination

(Cathy Fenner & AF) — art direction — nomination

(AF & Cathy Fenner) — art director — winner

(Cathy Burnett & AF) — art director — winner

— Locus Awards and Poll —
Locus Awardsfor SF/F/H works, polled by readers of Locus Magazine
(26 nominations; 14 wins)

Spectrum Fantastic Art Quarterly, Volume Three (Cathy Fenner & AF, eds.) (Spectrum Fantastic Art) — illustrated and art book — 6th place

Spectrum Fantastic Art Quarterly Volume Two (Cathy Fenner & AF, eds.) (Spectrum Fantastic Art) — illustrated and art book — 4th place

Spectrum Fantastic Art Quarterly Volume One (by Cathy Fenner & AF) (Underwood) — illustrated and art book — 3rd place

Spectrum 20: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art (by Cathy Fenner & AF) (Underwood) — art book — winner

Spectrum 19: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art (by Cathy Fenner & AF) (Underwood) — art book — winner

Spectrum 18: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art (Cathy Fenner & AF, eds.) (Underwood) — art book — winner

Spectrum 17: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art (Cathy Fenner & AF, eds.) (Underwood) — art book — winner

Spectrum 16: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art (by Cathy Fenner & AF) (Underwood) — nonfiction/art book — 2nd place

Spectrum 15: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art (by Cathy Fenner & AF) (Underwood Books) — nonfiction/art book — 2nd place

Spectrum 14: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art (Cathy Fenner & AF, eds.) (Underwood) — art book — 2nd place

Spectrum 13: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art (Cathy Fenner & AF, eds.) (Underwood) — art book — winner

Spectrum 12: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art (Cathy Fenner & AF, eds.) (Underwood) — art book — winner

Spectrum 11: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art (Cathy Fenner & AF, eds.) (Underwood) — art book — winner

Spectrum 10: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art (Cathy Fenner & AF, eds.) (Underwood Books) — non-fiction/art — 3rd place

The Art of Jeffrey Jones (by Cathy Fenner & AF; artist Jeffrey Jones) (Underwood Books) — art book — 5th place

Spectrum 9: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art (Cathy Fenner & AF, eds.) (Underwood Books) — art book — winner

Spectrum 8: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art (Cathy Fenner & AF, eds.) (Underwood Books) — art book — winner

Testament: The Life and Art of Frank Frazetta (by Cathy Fenner & AF; artist Frank Frazetta) (Underwood Books) — art book — 6th place

Spectrum 7: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art (Cathy Fenner & AF, eds.) (Underwood Books) — art book — winner

Spectrum 6: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art (Cathy Fenner & AF, eds.) (Underwood Books) — art book — 2nd place

Spectrum 5: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art (Cathy Fenner & AF, eds.) (Underwood Books) — art book — winner

Something in My Eye: Excursions into Fear (Michael Whelan; AF & Cathy Fenner eds.) (Mark V. Ziesing) — art book — 3rd place

Spectrum 4: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art (by Cathy Fenner & AF eds., with Jim Loehr) (Underwood Books) — art book — 2nd place

Spectrum 3: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art (by Cathy Burnett & AF eds., with Jim Loehr) (Underwood Books) — art book — winner

Spectrum 2: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art (Cathy Burnett & AF, eds.) (Underwood Books) — art book — winner

Spectrum: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art (Cathy Burnett & AF, eds.) (Underwood Books) — art book — winner

— Other Awards —
Balrog Awardsfor fantasy works, presented an annual FoolsCon in Kansas City
(1 nomination)

for Shayol — amateur achievement — nomination

Science Fiction Chronicle Readers Pollfor SF/F works, polled by readers of Science Fiction Chronicle magazine
(1 nomination)

Shayol (by Pat Cadigan & AF) — semi-prozine — 3rd place

— As Judge —
Spectrum Awardsfor SF/F/H artworks, juried

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This page last updated Monday 1 Jul 2024 at 19:55 PT