Niall Harrison

science fiction awards database

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Awards Summary





Total Number of Award Nominations: 10

Times Served as Judge: 2

— Major Awards —
Hugo Awardsfor SF/F works, voted by members of annual World Science Fiction Convention
(5 nominations)

All These Worlds (Briardene Books) — related work — nomination -- pending

Strange Horizons (with 7 other nominees) — semiprozine — nomination

Strange Horizons — semiprozine — nomination

Strange Horizons (by NH, Brit Mandelo, An Owomoyela, Julia Rios, Sonya Taaffe, Abigail Nussbaum, Rebecca Cross, Anaea Lay & Shane Gavin) — semiprozine — nomination

Strange Horizons (by NH, Jed Hartman, Brit Mandelo, An Owomoyela, Julia Rios, Abigail Nussbaum, Sonya Taaffe, Dave Nadgeman & Rebecca Cross) — semiprozine — nomination

British Fantasy Awardsfor fantasy works published in the UK, voted by British Fantasy Society members, juried since 2012
(1 nomination)

Strange Horizons — magazine/periodical — nomination

British SF Association Awardsfor SF works published in the UK, voted by British SF Association members
(2 nominations)

All These Worlds (Briardene) — nonfiction (long) — nomination

“The State of British SF and Fantasy: A Symposium” (Strange Horozons) — nonfiction — nomination

— Locus Awards and Poll —
Locus Awardsfor SF/F/H works, polled by readers of Locus Magazine
(2 nominations)

All These Worlds (Briardene) — non-fiction — 8th place

British Science Fiction & Fantasy: Twenty Years, Two Surveys (Paul Kincaid & NH, eds.) (Odd Two Out) — non-fiction — 6th place

— As Judge —
Arthur C. Clarke Awardfor SF novel published in the UK; juried

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This page last updated Monday 1 Jul 2024 at 19:55 PT