Short Story
- Winner: The Lodger, Fred Chappell (Necronomicon Press)
- “Death in Bangkok”, Dan Simmons (Playboy Jun 1993)
- “England Underway”, Terry Bisson (Omni Jul 1993)
- “The Little Green Ones”, Les Daniels (After the Darkness)
- “The Moon Is Drowning While I Sleep”, Charles de Lint (Snow White, Blood Red)
- “Some Strange Desire”, Ian McDonald (Omni Best Science Fiction Three)
- “Something Worse”, Terry Lamsley (Under the Crust)
- “Troll Bridge”, Neil Gaiman (Snow White, Blood Red)
- Winner: Full Spectrum 4, Lou Aronica, Amy Stout & Betsy Mitchell, eds. (Bantam Spectra)
- Christmas Forever, David G. Hartwell, ed. (Tor)
- The Oxford Book of Modern Fairy Tales, Alison Lurie, ed. (Oxford University Press)
- Sinistre, George Hatch, ed. (Horror's Head Press)
- Snow White, Blood Red, Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, eds. (Morrow AvoNova)
- The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror: Sixth Annual Collection, Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, eds. (St. Martin's)
Special Award, Professional
Special Award, Non-professional