Wooden Rocket Awards 2005

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Utopia <— 2005 thread —> Worldcon

<— Wooden Rocket Awards —> 2004

Eligibility Year: 2004
Online Magazine
  1. Winner: Sci Fiction (http://www.scifi.com/scifiction/)
  2. Science Fiction and Fantasy World (http://www.sffworld.com/)
  3. SciFi 247 (http://www.scifi-247.com/forum/html/index.php)
Print-to-web Magazine
  1. Winner: Locus Online (http://www.locusmag.com/)
  2. Asimov's (http://www.asimovs.com/)
  3. SFX (http://www.sfx.co.uk/)
Author Site
  1. Winner: The Manifold (Stephen Baxter) (http://www.themanifold.co.uk/)
  2. Runagate Rampant (China Miéville) (http://runagate-rampant.netfirms.com/)
  3. Robin Hobb (http://www.robinhobb.com/)
Artist Site
  1. Winner: Michael Whelan (http://www.michaelwhelan.com/)
  2. Anne Sudworth (http://www.annesudworth.co.uk/)
  3. Brom (http://www.bromart.com/)
Gallery Site
  1. Winner: ASFA (Association of Science Fiction & Fantasy Artists) (http://www.asfa-art.org/)
  2. Worlds of Wonder (http://www.wow-art.com/)
  3. Elfwood (http://elfwood.lysator.liu.se/elfwood.pike)
Print Publisher Site
  1. Winner: Black Library (http://www.blacklibrary.com/)
  2. DAW (http://www.dawbooks.com/)
  3. Voyager (http://www.voyager-books.co.uk/)
E-book Publisher Site
  1. Winner: Blackmask Online (http://www.blackmask.com/)
  2. Electric Story (http://www.electricstory.com/)
  3. Baen Webscriptions (http://www.webscription.net/)
E-book Site
  1. Winner: FB Hamilton (http://www.slicerdragon.com/)
  2. Jordanna Morgan (http://www.jordanna.net/icestorm/)
  3. Thomas Nevin Huber (http://www.star-spawn.net/)
Official Movie Site
  1. Winner: Serenity (http://www.serenitymovie.com/)
  2. Harry Potter (http://www.harrypotter.com/)
  3. King Kong (http://www.kingkongmovie.com/)
Fan Movie Site
  1. Winner: Kong Is King (http://www.kongisking.net/)
  2. Narnia Web (http://www.narniaweb.com/)
  3. Batman on Film (http://www.batman-on-film.com/jettsmainpage.html)
Official Tv Site
  1. Winner: Doctor Who (http://www.bbc.co.uk/doctorwho/index.shtml)
  2. Battlestar Galactica (http://www.scifi.com/battlestar/)
  3. Stargate SG.1 (http://www.stargate-sg1.com/)
Fan Tv Site
  1. Winner: Krypton Site (http://www.kryptonsite.com/)
  2. Alias TV (http://www.alias-tv.com/)
  3. Doctor Who Cuttings Archive (http://www.cuttingsarchive.org.uk/)
Online Sff Store
  1. Winner: Forbidden Planet (http://www.forbiddenplanet.com/)
  2. Mysterious Galaxy (http://www.mystgalaxy.com/)
  3. Slow Glass Books (http://www.slowglass.com.au/)
Directory Site
  1. Winner: Internet Speculative Fiction Database (http://www.isfdb.org/)
  2. Scifi Matter (http://www.scifimatter.com/)
  3. SFWA Links (http://www.sfwa.org/links/)
Convention/organization/society Site
  1. Winner: SF Hub (http://www.sfhub.ac.uk/)
  2. The Speculative Literature Foundation (http://www.speculativeliterature.org/)
  3. World Science Fiction Society (http://www.worldcon.org/)
Foreign Language Site
  1. Winner: Galaxies (http://www.galaxies-sf.com/)
  2. Fantascienza.com (http://www.fantascienza.com/)
  3. SF Fan.de (http://www.sf-fan.de/)
  1. Winner: Boing Boing (http://www.boingboing.net/)
  2. The Early Days of a Better Nation (http://kenmacleod.blogspot.com/)
  3. Making Light (http://www.nielsenhayden.com/makinglight/)

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This page last updated Friday 10 Aug 2012 at 09:45 PT