Isaac Asimov

science fiction awards database

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Citations Summary

Total Number of Citations: 173


Number of Titles Cited: 38

Number of Citation Sources: 44



The Gods Themselves (Doubleday, 1972)

Foundation [series] (series, 1953)

The Caves of Steel (Doubleday, 1954)

The Foundation Trilogy [series] (series, 1953)

The Gods Themselves (Doubleday, 1972)

I, Robot (Gnome, 1950)

The Robots of Dawn (Doubleday, 1983)

The Foundation Trilogy [series] (series, 1953)

I, Robot (Gnome, 1950)

The Caves of Steel (Doubleday, 1954)

The End of Eternity (Doubleday, 1955)

Foundation (Gnome, 1951)

The Foundation Trilogy [series] (series, 1953)

The Caves of Steel (Doubleday, 1954)

The Foundation Trilogy [series] (series, 1953)

I, Robot (Gnome, 1950)

The Caves of Steel (Doubleday, 1954)

The End of Eternity (Doubleday, 1955)

Foundation (Gnome, 1951)

Foundation and Earth (Doubleday, 1986)

Foundation and Empire (Gnome, 1952)

Foundation's Edge (Doubleday, 1982)

I, Robot (Gnome, 1950)

The Naked Sun (Doubleday, 1957)

Prelude to Foundation (Doubleday Foundation, 1988)

Robots and Empire (Doubleday, 1985)

The Robots of Dawn (Doubleday, 1983)

Second Foundation (Gnome, 1953)

The Stars, Like Dust (Doubleday, 1951)

The Caves of Steel (Doubleday, 1954)

Foundation (Gnome, 1951)

Foundation and Empire (Gnome, 1952)

The Gods Themselves (Doubleday, 1972)

I, Robot (Gnome, 1950)

The Naked Sun (Doubleday, 1957)

Nightfall and Other Stories (Doubleday, 1969)

The Rest of the Robots (Doubleday, 1964)

Second Foundation (Gnome, 1953)

The Stars, Like Dust (Doubleday, 1951)

Foundation [series] (series, 1953)

I, Robot (Gnome, 1950)

The Caves of Steel (Doubleday, 1954)

The Caves of Steel (Doubleday, 1954)

The End of Eternity (Doubleday, 1955)

Forward the Foundation (Doubleday Foundation, 1993)

Foundation (Gnome, 1951)

Foundation and Earth (Doubleday, 1986)

Foundation and Empire (Gnome, 1952)

The Foundation Trilogy [series] (series, 1953)

Foundation's Edge (Doubleday, 1982)

The Gods Themselves (Doubleday, 1972)

Gold: The Final Science Fiction Collection (HarperPrism, 1995)

The Hugo Winners (Doubleday, 1962)

I, Robot (Gnome, 1950)

The Naked Sun (Doubleday, 1957)

Nightfall and Other Stories (Doubleday, 1969)

Pebble in the Sky (Doubleday, 1950)

Prelude to Foundation (Doubleday Foundation, 1988)

Robots and Empire (Doubleday, 1985)

The Robots of Dawn (Doubleday, 1983)

Second Foundation (Gnome, 1953)

Before the Golden Age (Doubleday, 1974)

The Caves of Steel (Doubleday, 1954)

The Complete Stories (series, 1992)

David Starr, Space Ranger (Doubleday, 1952)

The Early Asimov (Doubleday, 1972)

The Foundation Trilogy [series] (series, 1953)

Foundation's Edge (Doubleday, 1982)

The Gods Themselves (Doubleday, 1972)

The Hugo Winners (Doubleday, 1962)

The Hugo Winners, Volume 2 (Doubleday, 1971)

I, Robot (Gnome, 1950)

Isaac Asimov Presents the Great SF Stories (IA & Martin H. Greenberg, eds.) (series, 1992)

Machines That Think: The Best Science Fiction Stories About Robots & Computers (IA, Patricia S. Warrick & Martin H. Greenberg, eds.) (Holt Rinehart Winston, 1984)

The New Hugo Winners (Baen, 1989)

Nightfall and Other Stories (Doubleday, 1969)

Pebble in the Sky (Doubleday, 1950)

The Robots of Dawn (Doubleday, 1983)

The Foundation Trilogy [series] (series, 1953)

The Gods Themselves (Doubleday, 1972)

I, Robot (Gnome, 1950)

The Caves of Steel (Doubleday, 1954)

The Gods Themselves (Doubleday, 1972)

I, Robot (Gnome, 1950)

The Caves of Steel (Doubleday, 1954)

The Foundation Trilogy [series] (series, 1953)

Before the Golden Age (Doubleday, 1974)

The Hugo Winners, Volumes 1 & 2 (Nelson Doubleday, 1972)

The Complete Robot (Doubleday, 1982)

I, Robot (Gnome, 1950)

The Foundation Trilogy [series] (series, 1953)

The Gods Themselves (Doubleday, 1972)

The Caves of Steel (Doubleday, 1954)

The Foundation Trilogy [series] (series, 1953)

The Caves of Steel (Doubleday, 1954)

The End of Eternity (Doubleday, 1955)

Foundation [series] (series, 1953)

The Gods Themselves (Doubleday, 1972)

The Naked Sun (Doubleday, 1957)

Nightfall and Other Stories (Doubleday, 1969)

The Robot Stories (series, 1990)

Robots and Empire (Doubleday, 1985)

The Robots of Dawn (Doubleday, 1983)

The Caves of Steel (Doubleday, 1954)

Foundation (Gnome, 1951)

Foundation and Empire (Gnome, 1952)

Foundation's Edge (Doubleday, 1982)

The Gods Themselves (Doubleday, 1972)

I, Robot (Gnome, 1950)

Second Foundation (Gnome, 1953)

Before the Golden Age (Doubleday, 1974)

The Caves of Steel (Doubleday, 1954)

Foundation (Gnome, 1951)

The Gods Themselves (Doubleday, 1972)

The Hugo Winners (Doubleday, 1962)

I, Robot (Gnome, 1950)

Isaac Asimov Presents the Great SF Stories (IA & Martin H. Greenberg, eds.) (series, 1992)

The Asimov Chronicles: Fifty Years of Isaac Asimov (Dark Harvest, 1989)

The Best of Isaac Asimov (Sidgwick & Jackson, 1973)

The Caves of Steel (Doubleday, 1954)

The End of Eternity (Doubleday, 1955)

Foundation (Gnome, 1951)

Foundation and Empire (Gnome, 1952)

The Foundation Trilogy [series] (series, 1953)

The Gods Themselves (Doubleday, 1972)

The Hugo Winners (Doubleday, 1962)

I, Robot (Gnome, 1950)

The Martian Way and Other Stories (Doubleday, 1955)

The Naked Sun (Doubleday, 1957)

Nightfall and Other Stories (Doubleday, 1969)

Robot Dreams (Berkley, 1986)

The Science Fictional Solar System (IA, Martin H. Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh, eds.) (Harper & Row, 1979)

Second Foundation (Gnome, 1953)

Before the Golden Age (Doubleday, 1974)

The Caves of Steel (Doubleday, 1954)

The End of Eternity (Doubleday, 1955)

The Foundation Trilogy [series] (series, 1953)

Foundation's Edge (Doubleday, 1982)

The Gods Themselves (Doubleday, 1972)

I, Robot (Gnome, 1950)

The Naked Sun (Doubleday, 1957)

The Robots of Dawn (Doubleday, 1983)

The Caves of Steel (Doubleday, 1954)

The Foundation Trilogy [series] (series, 1953)

The End of Eternity (Doubleday, 1955)

The End of Eternity (Doubleday, 1955)

Foundation and Empire (Gnome, 1952)

Before the Golden Age (Doubleday, 1974)

The Caves of Steel (Doubleday, 1954)

The Foundation Trilogy [series] (series, 1953)

I, Robot (Gnome, 1950)

The Caves of Steel (Doubleday, 1954)

The Foundation Trilogy [series] (series, 1953)

The Foundation Trilogy [series] (series, 1953)

I, Robot (Gnome, 1950)

The Rest of the Robots (Doubleday, 1964)

The Foundation Trilogy [series] (series, 1953)

I, Robot (Gnome, 1950)

The Foundation Trilogy [series] (series, 1953)

I, Robot (Gnome, 1950)

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This page last updated Friday 11 Aug 2023 at 10:04 PT