(1 nomination)
Earthsong (DAW)
— long list
Locus Awards —
for SF/F/H works, polled by readers of Locus Magazine
(4 nominations)
“Lo, How an Oak E'er Blooming” (F&SF Feb 1986)
— short story — 17th place
Native Tongue (DAW)
— sf novel — 20th place
Twelve Fair Kingdoms (Doubleday)
— sf novel — 23rd place
Furthest (Ace)
— novel — 13th place
Ditmar Awards —
for Australian SF/F, voted by members of Australian National SF Convention
(1 nomination)
Native Tongue (DAW)
— international fiction — nomination
Rhysling Awards —
for SF/F poetry, voted by members of the SF Poetry Association
(1 nomination; 1 win)
“Rocky Road to Hoe ” (Star*Line 20.5 Sep/Oct 1987)
— short poem — winner (tie)