Names Bu-By

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Names with 20 or more awards and/or judges credits are in bold. Those with 5 or more award records include additional pages arranged chronologically (-C) and, for book and story titles, by title (-T), as indicated by links.
Buchan, David
Buchan, John
Buchan, John, Baron Tweedsmuir
Buchanan, A. C.
Buchanan, Andi C.
Buchanan, Ginjer -C
Buchanan, Juliet
Buchanan, Kyle
Buchanan, Rebecca
Buchan-Kimmerly, Elizabeth
Buchwald, Art
Buck, Alison
Buck, Doris Pitkin
Buckell, Tobias S. -C -T
Buckingham, Mark
Buckingham, Polly
Buckley, Bob
Buckner, M. M. -C -T
Buckrich, Judith Raphael
Budden, Gary
Budnitz, Judy
Budrys, Algis -C -T
Budz, Mark -C -T
Buehlman, Christopher
Buhlert, Cora
Bujold, Lois McMaster -C -T
Bukato, Wiktor
Bukowski, Michael
Bulgakov, Mikhail
Bulkin, Nadia -C -T
Bull, Emma -C -T
Bull, Scott Emerson
Bullington, Jesse
Bullock, Michael
Bulmer, Ken
Bulwer-Lytton, Edward
Bulychev, Kirill
Bunch, Chris -C -T
Bunch, David R.
Bunch, Miriam
Bundy, Erik
Bunin, Keith
Bunker, Karl
Bunn, Cullen -C -T
Bunn, Cynthia
Bunyan, John
Burbee, Charles E.
Burch, Milbre
Burchielli, Riccardo
Burdekin, Katharine
Burger, Knox
Burgess, Anthony -C -T
Burgess, Clare
Burgess, Michael
Burgess, Tony
Burgis, Stephanie -C -T
Burgmann, J. R.
Burgoine, Nathan
Burhoe, B. Alan
Burke, Chesya
Burke, James Lee
Burke, Jenn
Burke, John
Burke, Junior
Burke, Kealan-Patrick -C -T
Burke, Morgan
Burke, Sue
Burke, Thomas
Burke, William
Burks, Arthur J.
Burleson, Donald
Burley, Sam
Burmak, Dmitry
Burnham, Crispin
Burnham, Karen
Burns, Bill -C
Burns, Breehn
Burns, Charles
Burns, Christopher
Burns, Cliff
Burns, Jim -C -T
Burns, Marjorie
Burns, Peter
Burns, Stephen L. -C -T
Burnside, Ken
Buroker, Lindsay
Burrage, Nathan
Burridge, John
Burroughs, Edgar Rice -C -T
Burroughs, William S.
Burrows, Jacen
Burrows, Marc
Burstein, Michael A. -C -T
Burt, Brian
Burt, Steve
Burton, Gabi
Burton, Jessie
Burton, LeVar
Burton, Mirranda
Burton, Tara Isabella
Burton-Lopez, Leslie
Burtsztynski, Sue
Bury, Stephen
Burzo, Valeria
Busby, Elinor
Busby, F. M. -C -T
Busby, Lisa
Busby, R. A.
Buscema, John -C -T
Buscema, Steve
Buse, Katherine
Bush, Beryl
Bush, George E.
Bush, Jared
Bushyager, Ron & Linda
Butcher, Jim -C -T
Butcher, Nancy
Butler, Andrew M. -C -T
Butler, Bill
Butler, Blake
Butler, Brandon
Butler, Charles
Butler, Chris
Butler, D. J.
Butler, Dr. Andrew M.
Butler, Jack
Butler, Octavia E. -C -T
Butler, Paul
Butler, Robert Olen
Butler, Samuel
Butner, Richard
Butt, Amy
Butterworth, Jan
Butterworth, Jez
Butterworth, John-Henry
Butterworth, Michael
Buxton, Darrel
Buzelli, Chris
Buzzati, Dino
Byatt, A. S.
Byatt, Antonia S.
Byerly, Marilynn
Byers, Edward A.
Byers, Iain
Byers, Michael
Byers, Randy -C
Byfield, Bruce
Byram, George
Byrne, Aisling
Byrne, Candyce
Byrne, Eugene -C -T
Byrne, Jeremy G. -C -T
Byrne, John L.
Byrne, Johnny
Byrne, Kerry C.
Byrne, Monica
Byrne, Sarah L.
Bywater, Hector C.
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This page last updated Wednesday 7 Aug 2024 at 11:07 PT