Mary Soon Lee

science fiction awards database

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Awards Summary

Career and Special Awards: 1



Other Awards: 9

Total Number of Award Wins and Nominations: 17

— Career and Special Awards —
Rhysling Awardsfor SF/F poetry, voted by members of the SF Poetry Association
— grand master — winner

— Major Awards —
British SF Association Awardsfor SF works published in the UK, voted by British SF Association members
(1 nomination)

“The Day Before They Came” (Interzone #133 Jul 1998) — short fiction — nomination

Theodore Sturgeon Memorial Awardfor SF short fiction in English; juried
(1 nomination)

“Universal Grammar” (F&SF Apr 1997) — shortlist

— Other Awards —
Analog Readers Pollfor stories, articles, and art published by Analog, polled by readers
(5 nominations; 3 wins)

“What Xenologists Read” (Analog Nov/Dec 2023) — poem — 2nd place

“Belter Cats” (Analog Jul/Aug 2022) — poem — winner

“The Libraries of Mars” (Analog Mar/Apr 2022) — poem — 3rd place

“How to Go Twelfth” (Analog Mar/Apr 2020) — poem — winner

“Venus, As It Might Have Been” (Analog Mar/Apr 2018) — poem — winner

Dwarf Stars Awardfor short poems of 1-10 lines, voted by members of SF Poetry Association
(1 nomination; 1 win)

“What Trees Read” (Uppagus Oct 2021) — winner (tie)

Elgin Awardsfor poetry chapbooks and books, presented by the SF Poetry Association
(3 nominations; 2 wins)

The Sign of the Dragon (JABberwocky) — full-length collection — winner

Elemental Haiku (Ten Speed) — full-length collection — 2nd place

Crowned: The Sign of the Dragon Book 1 (Dark Renaissance Books) — Full-Length Collection — winner

Rhysling Awardsfor SF/F poetry, voted by members of the SF Poetry Association
(6 nominations; 4 wins)

“Confessions of a Spaceport AI” (Uncanny Nov 2021) — short poem — winner

“Advice to a Six-Year-Old” (Star*Line 40.2) — short poem — winner

“Alternate Genders” (Mithila Review #9) — long poem — 3rd place

“Not Like This” (Apex Aug 2016) — long poem — 3rd place

“Interregnum” (Star*Line 36.4) — long poem — winner

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This page last updated Tuesday 9 Jul 2024 at 10:16 PT