Ditmar Awards —
for Australian SF/F, voted by members of Australian National SF Convention
(4 nominations)
“A Puppet’s Parody of Joy: Dolls, Puppets and Mannikins as Diabolical Other” (Ramsey Campbell: Critical Essays on the Master of Modern Horror (Scarecrow))
— William Atheling Jr. Award for Criticism or Review — nomination
“Things Invisible: Human and Ab-Human in Two of Hodgson’s Carnacki stories” (Sargasso: The Journal of William Hope Hodgson Studies #1 (Ulthar))
— William Atheling Jr. Award for Criticism or Review — nomination
“Marvels and Horrors: Terry Dowling’s Clowns at Midnight”
— William Atheling Jr. Award for Criticism or Review — nomination
“Uncharted” (Agog! Terrific Tales)
— novella or novelette — nomination